(02) 9525 6588

Lewis Media Group is mindful and active in our responsibilities regarding the respectful treatment of the environment for future generations. In a year which has seen the challenges of a global pandemic and climate change, our commitment to sustainability is paramount. We conduct our business activities in accordance with the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact and have applied ISO 26000 as a guide to implement sustainability throughout our organisation.

Carbon Reduction

In 2015 Lewis Media Group established a goal to reduce scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 25% by 2020.Through numerous carbon reduction strategies including installation of an extensive solar panel system spanning the entire roof area of our production facilities, a 28% reduction in
scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions was achieved by 2020.

Carbon Neutral

Having achieved our carbon reduction goal, Lewis Media Group is now working with external climate action company Trace to measure our scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions for 2021 with a view to offset remaining emissions to achieve carbon neutral status by 2022. We will continue to actively pursue all opportunities to reduce our carbon footprint, including in our supply chain.


Through advanced print technology and staff education we have reduced our water usage to 8.82 kilolitres per person in 2021 and will continue to explore opportunities to improve our water efficiency.


Lewis Media Group is active in its strategies to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill and recycled 91% of waste in 2021.


Lewis Media Group endeavours to use environmentally friendly materials being either recyclable or biodegradable and of FSC standard whenever possible in the production and packing of our finished products. The inks used by Lewis Media Group have a soya bean oil base and are much kinder to the environment than standard printing inks. Our MIS estimates and orders the exact stock required for each job, eliminating unnecessary over-ordering.